Greetings :)

Hi, I'm Louis!
I like to code, but I don't do enough of it.

This blog is about trying my best to keep up with the ever evolving stream of technology.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Installing Git on windows

The following will guide you roughly through getting git setup on windows and getting a github account setup, so that you can start using git right away ;)

Install MSysGit

Generate a private/public key pair

Then create your online repository:
Go to, sign up for an account

Add your public key to your github account:
Click "account settings" => "SSH public keys" => "Add another public key", and copy and paste the public key you generated (the whole thing) - from the "" file.

Create your repository
Click on "dashboard" => "Create a repository" => name your repository, and continue => follow the instructions shown :)

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